Stress-free calving line

Stress-free calving line

For happy cows and happy farmers

- Joep Driessen

Stress-free calving line
Stress-free calving line

Can you do this?

Yes, you can! This will be your best investment in years.


Experience with stress-free calving line by Arie van Ramshorst (Zeewolde Holland):

“My 90 cows produce 10,000 litres of milk. I clean the cubicles twice a day. I also clean my straw-bedded pen twice a day to save on straw, and the entire barn is cleaned once every two months. The straw-bedded barn has a surface of about 68m2, generally occupied by six or sometimes eight cows. The signals from the cows are clear: they get the rest they need and chew optimally, and the rumen volume is restored within a few days after calving. This gives me a lot of satisfaction!”

More information

The CowSignals Dry to Fresh course focusses on the weeks before and after the calving process. Both farmers and consultants are taught how to recognise blind spots in dry-cow management and are offered solutions to help them improve.

  • Read more about the online Dry to Fresh course
  • Read the book: ‘Droogstand, koeien met speciale behoeften en behandelingen’ (Dry cows, cows with special needs and treatments)
  • More information:

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